
How to Address Government Officials in Canada

Index to this page and related pages
Forms of address for Indigenous Leaders
Forms of Address for Federal Government Officials
Forms of Address for Provincial Government Officials
Tips for writing to Government Officials
More detail on Canadian protocol
Protocol: Order of precedence in Canada
How to Contact Canadian Government Officials

Indigenous Leaders


Band Councillors

Federal Government

The Prime Minister of Canada

Note: The Prime Minister of Canada retains the title "The Right Honourable" for life. The Prime Minister is also a Member of the King's Privy Council for Canada, a lifetime designation, indicated with the letters P.C. In conversation, address the Prime Minister as "Prime Minister," "Sir," or "Mr./Mrs./Ms. Lastname." (Avoid "Mr. Prime Minister.")

Member of the Federal Cabinet


Member of the Senate

Member of the House of Commons:

In conversation, simply Mr./Mrs./Ms./Miss Lastname. The title "Honourable" is only used with the person's full name, e.g. "The Honourable A.B. Lastname," or "The Honourable Firstname Lastname," or the "Honourable Mr./Ms. Lastname." Avoid using "Honourable Jones" in writing or conversation.

Deputy Minister of a Department:

Provincial Governments

The Premier of a Province of Canada

Note: Premiers of Provinces of Canada retain the title "The Honourable" during their terms of office. The Premier is head of the government of the Province, and is the First Minister; and is usually the President of the Executive Council of the Province. Quebec has a "Prime Minister;" not a "Premier." The title "Honourable" is only used with the person's full name, e.g. "The Honourable A.B. Lastname," or "The Honourable Firstname Lastname," or the "Honourable Mr./Ms. Lastname." Avoid using "Honourable Jones" in writing or conversation.

Provincial Cabinet Ministers

In conversation, use "Minister" or "Mr./Mrs./Ms. Lastname. Jones)". Letters may begin with "Dear Minister", "Dear Sir/Madam", or "Dear Mr./Mrs./Ms. Jones". Avoid "Mr. Minister." Provincial ministers retain the title "Honourable" only while in office. The title "Honourable" is only used with the person's full name, e.g. "The Honourable A.B. Lastname," or "The Honourable Firstname Lastname," or the "Honourable Mr./Ms. Lastname." Avoid using "Honourable Jones" in writing or conversation.

Member of A Provincial Legislature:

Note: For Quebec use M.N.A.; for Ontario use M.P.P.; for Newfoundland and Nova Scotia use M.H.A. instead of M.L.A.

Mayor of a City or Town:

Note: In conversation or at official occasions, use "Your Worship"; less formal is "Mayor Lastname".

Alderman or Councillor (cities, towns and villages); Reeve or Councillor (rural municipalities>

Writing to Government Officials

photo © Lois Pegg
photo © LP

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Victoria, B.C., Canada

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