Book Reviews by James B. Boskey from The Alternative Newsletter
About James B. Boskey's book reviews
A-E | F-L | M-R | S-Z (alphabetical by author)
- Adam, Hussein and Ford, Richard Removing Barricades in
Somalia: Options for Peace and Rehabilitation
- Aitken, Neil and Spragge, Charles A Guide to Arbitration and
Litigation in Central and Eastern Europe (Nov98 review)
- Aitken, Neil and Spragge, Charles A Guide to Arbitration and
Litigation in Central and Eastern Europe (Mar99 review)
- Alderson,
Priscilla, ed. Changing Our
School: Promoting Positive Behaviour
- Alfini, James J. and Galton, Eric R. ADR Personalities and
Practice Tips
- Allen, Elizabeth L and Mohr, Donald
D. Affordable
Justice: how to settle any dispute including divorce out of
- Ambrose, Clare and Maxwell,
Karen London
Maritime Arbitration
- American Arbitration Association ADR & The
Law (1997ed)
- American Arbitration Association National Consumer Disputes Advisory Committee,
Consumer Due Process Protocol
- American
Bar Association Section of Dispute Resolution Directory
of Law School Alternative Dispute Resolution Courses and Programs
(2d Ed)
- American Bar Association - Section of Litigation Program Book:
"If it Ain't Broke, Don't Fix it!" - Arbitration - Fixing What's
Broke After 70 Years Under the Uniform Arbitration Act
- Anderson,
David A. ed. Dispute
Resolution: Bridging the Settlement Gap
- Avruch, Kevin Culture and Conflict Resolution
- Axelrod, Robert The Complexity of Cooperation: Agent-Based
Models of Competition and Collaboration
- Babu, Annie, et. al. médiation familiale:
regard croisés et perspectives (Family Mediation: Issues and
- Bales, Richard A. Compulsory Arbitration: The
Grand Experiment in Employment
- Beer, Jennifer E. and Stief, Eileen The
Mediators Handbook
- Bellard, Jan Getting Unstuck: Transforming
Conflict form Crisis to Opportunity - A Consumer's Guide to
Collaborative Conflict Resolution
- Berger, Peter L., ed. The Limits of Social
Cohesion: Conflict and Mediation in Pluralist Societies - A Report
to the Bertelsmann Foundation of the Club of Rome
- Bergman, Edward J. and Bickerman, John G. Court-Annexed
Mediation: A Critical Perspective on Selected State and Federal
- Bergsten, Eric
E. International
Commercial Arbitration; Pacific Rim
- Bernan Press World Trade Organization Dispute Settlement Decisions:
Bernan's Annotated Reporter - Volume 2
- Bernstein,
Peter L. Against the
Gods: The Remarkable Story of Risk
- Bernstein, Ronald, Tackaberry, John A. And
Marriott, Arthur Handbook of Arbitration Practice (3d ed)
- Birke, Richard A. ed. Negotiation
Simulation Exercises
- Birkhoff, Juliana, ed. Conflict
Resolution Syllabi Anthology 1997
- Birkhoff, Juliana Conflict Resolution
Syllabi Anthology (Nov98 review)
- Blackman, Carolyn Negotiating China: Case
Studies and Strategies
- Blake, Susan and Leahy, Susan Negotiation - Inns of Court Law
- Blauert, Jutta and Zadek, Siman Mediating Sustainablility:
Growing Policy from the Grassroots (Nov98 review)
- Blauert, Jutta and Zadek, Siman (correction to previous review Mediating Sustainability:
Growing Policy from the Grassroots (Mar99 review)
- Bodine, Richard J. and Crawford, Donna K. The
Handbook of Conflict Resolution Education
- Bonafé-Schmitt, Jean-Pierre La médiation pénal
en France et aux états- Unis (Droit et Société Recherches et Travaux
#3) (Penal Mediation in France and the United States)
- Boskey, James B.
and McCabe, Douglas M. eds. Democracy
and Dispute Resolution: Power, Principle and Practice -
Proceedings, SPIDR 23rd Annual Conference Washington DC
- Briggs, Charles L. Disorderly
Discourse: Narrative, Conflict and Inequality
- Brodow, Ed Negotiate with Confidence
- Brunet, Edward J. and Craver, Charles
B. Alternative
Dispute Resolution: The Advocate's Perspective: Cases and
- Burgess, Heidi and Burgess, Guy M. Encyclopedia
of Conflict Resolution
- Caivano, Roque, Gobbi, Marcello, and Padilla, Roberto E. (review by Nora Feminina) Negociación y Mediación. Instrumentos Apropiados para la Abogacia
- Campos, Paul F. Jurismania: The Madness of
American Law
- Carbonneau, Tom 1998 Supplement to Cases and Materials on Commercial Arbitration
- Carbonneau, Tom Lex Mercatoria and Arbitration
(revised edition)
- Carley, Patricia Nagorno-Karabakh Searching for a
- Carnegie Commission on Preventing Deadly Conflict Preventing Deadly Conflict
- Cato, D. Mark Arbitration Practice and
Procedure: Interlocutory and Hearing Problems (2d ed)
- Cato, Mark So You Want to Be an Arbitrator?
- Chapman,
M.J. Commercial and
Consumer Arbitration: Statutes and Rules
- Chetkow-Yanoov, Benyamin Social Work Approaches
to Conflict Resolution: Making Fighting Obsolete
- Connor, Desmond M. Public Participation: A
- Cooley, John W. and Lubet, Steven Arbitration
- Cornelius, Helena The Gentle Revolution: Men and women at
Work - what goes wrong and how to fix it
- Cotran, Eugene and Amissah, Austin, eds. Arbitration in
- Craig, W. Laurence, Park, William W., and Paulsson, Jan Craig, Park & Paulsson's Annotated Guide to the 1998 ICC
Arbitration Rules with Commentary
- Craig, Yvonne Joan Elder Abuse and Mediation:
Exploratory Studies in America
- Craver,
Charles B. Effective
Legal Negotiation and Settlement (3d Ed)
- Crawford, Donna and
Bodine, Richard Conflict
Resolution Education: A Guide to Implementing Programs in Schools,
Youth-Serving Organizations, and Community and Juvenile Justice
Settings - Program Report
- Cronin-Harris, Catherine Building
ADR into the Corporate Law Department: ADR Systems
Design (Nov97 review)
- Cronin-Harris, Catherine Building ADR into the
Law Firm: ADR Systems Design (Mar98 review)
- Crowther, Harold Introduction to Arbitration
- Daly, Joseph L. Arbitration
- d'Ambrosia, Peter L. What is Dispute Resolution?
- Davies, Marie, Davis, Gwynn, and Webb, Julian Promoting
Mediation: Report of a Study of Bristol Law Society's Mediation
Scheme in its Preliminary Phase (Research Study #21)
- De Dreu, Carsten K.W. and Van de Vliert, Evert Using Conflict in Organizations
- Derains, Yves and Schwartz, Eric A Guide to the New ICC Rules
of Arbitration
- Dignan, Jim, Sorsby, Angela
and Hibert, Jeremy Neighbor
Disputes: Comparing the Cost-Effectiveness of Mediation and
Alternative Approaches
- Dika, Mihajlo and Uzelac, Alan (eds) Croatian Arbitration
Yearbook v4 Year 1997
- Dolson, William F., Barreca, Christopher A., and Zimny,
Max Labor
Arbitration: Cases and Materials for Advocates
- Dukes, E. Franklin Resolving
Public Conflict: Transforming Community and Governance
- Dunlop, John and Zack, Arnold Mediation and
Arbitration of Employment Disputes
- Ellis, Desmond and
Stuckless, Noreen Mediating and
Negotiating Marital Conflicts
- Etter, Jeanne Mediating
Permanency Outcomes: Practice Manual
A-E | F-L | M-R | S-Z (alphabetical by author)
- Faget, Jacques la médiation: essai de politique
pénale (Mediation: An Essay on Penological Politics)
- Fang, Tony Chinese Business Negotiating Style
- Farber, Donald C. Common Sense Negotiation: The
Art of Winning Gracefully
- Feld, Lisa and Simm, Peter A. Mediating Professional
Misconduct Complaints
- Fellman, Gordon Rambo and the Dalai Lama: The Compulsion to Win and Its Threat to Human Survival
- Fisher, Roger, et. al. Coping with
International Conflict: A Systematic Approach to Influence in
International Negotiation
- Fisher, Ronald J. Interactive
Conflict Resolution
- Fisher, Tom (ed.) 4th National Mediation Conference -
Melbourne - April 1998 - Proceedings, School of Law and Legal
- Fitzell, Susan Gingras Free the Children:
Conflict Education for Strong, Peaceful Minds
- Flamini,
Roland Passport
- Gleason,
Sandra E. ed. Workplace
Dispute Resolution : Directions for the Twenty-First
- Goh, Bee Chen Negotiating
with the Chinese
- Golann,
Dwight Mediating
Legal Disputes: Effective Strategies for Lawyers and
- Goldsmith, Jack L., ed. International
Dispute Resolution: The Regulation of Forum Selection
- Goodpaster, Gary A
Guide to Negotiation and Mediation
- Grenig, Jay
E. Alternative
Dispute Resolution with Forms, 2d ed.
- Grzybowski, Alex, et. al. Building Democratic Institutions
and Practices in Cambodia
- Hammond, John S., Keeney, Ralph L. and Raiffa, Howard Smart
Choices: A Practical Guide to Better Decisions
- Hartwell, Geoffrey M. Beresford, ed. The Commercial Way to
Justice: The 1996 International Conference of the Chartered
Institute of Arbitators
- Herman, Gregg The Joy of
Settlement: The Family Lawyer's Guide to Effective Negotiations and
Settlement Strategies
- Heyman, Richard Why
Didn't You Say That in the First Place?
- Hill, Marvin F. Jr., Sinicropi, Anthony V., and
Evenson, Amy L. Winning Arbitration Advocacy
- Hopmann, P. Terrence The
Negotiation Process and the Resolution of International
- Huber, Stephen K. and Trachte-Huber, E. Wendy Arbitration:
Cases and Materials
- Huleatt, Mark, Gould, James, and Gould, Nicholas International Commercial Arbitration-A Handbook (2d Ed)
- Hunter, Martin and Landau, Toby The English Arbitration Act
1996: Text and Notes - English Français Deutsch Español
- Irani,
George Emile ed. Reconciliation
Processes and the Displaced Communities in Post-War
- James, Paula The
Divorce Mediation Handbook: Everything You Need to Know
- James, Rhoda Private
Ombudsmen and Public Law
- Jandt, Fred
E. Alternative
Dispute Resolution for Paralegals
- Kaner, Sam, et. al. Facilitator's Guide to
Participatory Decision- Making
- Kennedy, Gavin Kennedy on Negotiation
- Kennedy, Leslie W. and Forde, David R. When Push Comes to
Shove: A Routine Conflict Approach to Violence
- Levine, Stewart Getting to Resolution: Turning
Conflict into Collaboration, Berrett-Koehler
- Klein, Gary Sources of Power: How People Make
- Kruk,
Edward Mediation and
Conflict Resolution in Social Work
- Laohasiriwong, Suwit, Morris,
Catherine, and Kongdee, Wongsa, eds. Dispute
Resolution in Thailand: Working Together for Peace and
- Lauderdale, Pat and Cruit, Michael The Struggle
for Control: A Study of Law, Disputes
- Lévesque, Justin Méthodologie de la Médiation
Familiale (The Family Mediation Process)
- LeBaron, Michelle, McCandless, Erin, and Garon, Stephen Conflict and Culture: A Literature Review and Bibliography
(1992-1998 update)
- Lebedun, Jean Managing Workplace Conflict
- Lechman, Barbara A. Nagle Conflict
and Resolution
- Legislative Affairs Commission of the Standing
Committee of the National People's Congress of the People's Republic
of China Arbitration Laws of China
- Leung Mei-fun (Priscilla) and Wang Sheng-Cheng Selected Works of China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission Awards (1963-1988) Updated to 1993 (Vol. I)
- Leung Mei-Fun, Priscilla and Wang Sheng-Chang Selected Works of
China International Economic an Trade Arbitration Commission Awards
(1989- 1995)
- Leviton, Sharon and Greenstone, James
L. Elements of
- Lewicki, Roy J., Saunders, David M., and Minton, John, W. Negotiation: Readings, Exercises, and Cases (3d ed)
- Lickson, Charles Ironing it Out: Seven Simple Steps to
Resolving Conflict (Nov98 review)
- Lickson, Charles Ironing it Out: Seven Simple Steps to
Resolving Conflict (Mar99 - correction to Nov98 review)
- Liebman, Marian Community and Neighbour
- Lipsky, David B. and Seeber, Ronald L. The Appropriate
Resolution of Corporate Disputes: A Report on the Growing Use of ADR
by U.S. Corporations
- Lovenheim, Peter How to Mediate
Your Dispute: Find a Solution You Can Live With Quickly and Cheaply
Outside the Courtroom
A-E | F-L | M-R | S-Z (alphabetical by author)
- Macbeth, Fiona and Fine, Nic Playing with
- Macfarlane, Julie Dispute Resolution: Readings and Case
- MacFarlane, Julie, ed. Rethinking Disputes: The
Mediation Alternative
- Martindale-Hubbell
International Martindale-Hubbell International Arbitration and
Dispute Resolution Directory 1997
- Martindale-Hubbell International Arbitration and Dispute
Resolution Directory 1998
- McAdoo, Bobbi A Report To The Minnesota Supreme
Court: The Impact of Rule 114 on Civil Litigation Practice in
- McCold, Paul Restorative
Justice: An Annotated Bibliography 1997
- McDonald, Christel G. Engaging Track One
Diplomacy #2: Protocol and Etiquette: Guidelines for Citizen
Diplomats in Multi-Track Diplomacy
- McKnight, Marilyn S. and Erickson, Stephen K. Mediating
Divorce: A Client's Workbook
- McRae, Brad Negotiating and Influencing Skills:
The Art of Creating and Claiming Value
- Mealey Publications Mealey's
International Arbitration Review 1996
- Mika, Harry An
Evaluation of Michigan's Community Dispute Resolution Program:
Executive Summary
- Mikkelsen, Jon Resolution
Revolution (A One-Act Play from the National Theater for
- Minaar, Anthony and Hough, Mike (eds.) Conflict, Violence and Conflict Resolution: Where is South Africa
- Mitchell, Christopher and Banks, Michael Handbook of
Conflict Resolution: The Analytical Problem-Solving Approach
- Mittal, D.P. Taxmann's New Law of Arbitration, ADR & Contract in India
- Mock, Ron, ed. The Roleplay
Book, 2d ed
- Moody, Susan R. and Mackay, Robert E. Greens Guide to
Alternative Dispute Resolution in Scotland
- Morgan, Robert The Arbitration Ordinance of
Hong Kong: A Commentary
- Mosten, Forrest Operating a Profitable Mediation Practice,
Family Mediation Training
- Mysliwiec, Eva and Morris, Catherine, eds. Dispute
Resolution in Cambodia: A Road to Peace and Reconciliation
- Najita, Joyce M., ed. Arbitration
1996: At the Crossroads
- Najita, Joyce M. Arbitration 1997: The Next
Fifty Years (Proceedings of the Fiftieth Annual Meeting National
Academy of Arbitrators)
- National Association for Community Mediation Face to Face: Resolving Conflict Without Giving In or Giving Up:
Curriculum for Americorps and the Corporation for National
- Newman, Lawrence W. and Burrows, Michael The
Practice of International Litigation (2d ed)
- Nygh, P.E. Choice of Forum and Laws in
International Commercial Arbitration
- Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Guide
For Implementing the Balanced and Restorative Justice Model
- Olshak,
Richard T. Training
Peer Mediators in the College and University Setting: A Trainer's
- Ormachea-Choque, Iván Análisis de la ley de
Conciliación Extrajudicial (An Analysis of the Extrajudicial
Conciliation Law)
- Ormachea-Choque, Ivan and Solis- Vargas, Rocio Retos y Posibilidades de la Conciliacion en el Peru: Primer
Estudio Cualitativo - Propuesta de Políticas y Lineamientos de
- Petroska-Beska, Violeta Let's Be Friends: A Workshop Report
and Trainer's Resource
- Picker, Bennett G. Mediation Practice Guide - A Handbook for
Resolving Business Disputes
- Poitras, Jean and Renaud, Pierre Mediation and
the Reconciliation of Interests in Public Disputes
- Policy Concensus Initiative States Mediating Change: Using
Concensus Tools in New Ways
- Powell-Smith, Vincent, Sims, John, and Dancaster, Christoper Construction Arbitrations: A Practical Guide (2d ed.)
- Press, Sharon,
Kosch, Kimberly and Schultz, Sarah 1997
Florida Mediation/Arbitration Programs: A Compendium (10th
- Raiffa, Howard Lectures on Negotiation
- Rau, Alan Scott Sherman, Edward F. and Shannon, Brian D. Rau & Sherman's Texas ADR & Arbitration Statutes and Commentary (1997 Edition)
- Reisman, W. Michael The Supervisory Jurisdiction of the
International Court of Justice: International Arbitration and
International Adjudication (Académie de Droit International, Recuiel
des Cours v 258)
- Riskin, Leonard L. and
Westbrook, James E. Dispute
Resolution and Lawyers, 2d ed (Nov97 review)
- Riskin, Leonard L. and Westbrook, James E. Dispute Resolution and Lawyers - Abridged Edition (2d ed.) (Jul98 review)
- Robbins, David E. Securities Arbitration Procedure Manual (3d ed)
- Roberts, Marian Mediation in Family Disputes
(2d ed.)
- Rogan, Randall G., Hammer, Mitchell R. and Van
Zandt, Clinton R., eds. Dynamic Processes of Crisis Negotiation:
Theory, Research, and Practice
- Rothman, Jay Resolving
Identity-Based Conflict in Nations, Organizations, and
- Roy, Beth Some Trouble with Cows
- Rue, Nancy
N. Everything You
Need to Know About Peer Mediation
A-E | F-L | M-R | S-Z (alphabetical by author)
- Saposnek, Donald T. Mediating Child Custody
Disputes (revised ed.)
- Shonholtz,
Raymond and Shapiro, Ilana, eds. Strengthening
Transitional Democracies Through Conflict Resolution (Vol. 552
The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social
- Shulman, Diana Co-Parenting
After Divorce
- Briner, Robert, et. al. Arbitration and European Law: Reports
of the International Colloquium of CEPANI April 25, 1997
- Simon, Mary Negotiate Your Job Offer : A
Step-By-Step Guide to a Win-Win Situation
- Simpson, Carolyn Coping Through Conflict
Resolution and Peer Mediation
- Slaikeu, Karl A. and Hasson, Ralph H Controlling the Costs
of Conflict: How to Design a System for Your Organization
- Smit, Hans and Pechota,
Vratislav Arbitration
Rules - International Institutions (Nov97 review)
- Smit, H. and Pechota, V Arbitration Rules-
National Institutions (Jul98 review)
- Smit, H. and Pechota, V A Chart Comparing International
Commercial Arbitration Rules
- Smit, H. and Pechota, V Commercial Arbitration
- An International Bibliography (2d ed)
- Smit, H. and Pechota, V International Arbitration
- Smit, H. and Pechota, V National Arbitration Laws
- Smit, Hans and
Pechota, V Vratislav Roster
of International Arbitrators
- Smith, Anne-Marie Advances in Understanding
International Peacemaking
- Smock, David R. Creative
Approaches to Managing Conflict in Africa: Findings from USIP
- Smock, David, ed. Private Peacemaking: USIP-Assisted
Peacemaking Projects of Nonprofit Organizations
- Société Jean Bodin Assistance
in Conflict Resolution: Transaction of the Jean Bodin Society for
Comparative Institutional History vol. 63 - First and Second
- Société Jean Bodin Assistance in Conflict
Resolution: Transactions of the Jean Bodin Society for Comparative
Institutional History vol. 64-Third Part - Medieval and Modern
- SPIDR Environment/Public
Disputes Sector Critical Issues Committee Best
Practices for Government Agencies: Guidelines for Using
Collaborative Agreement Seeking Processes
- Standing Committee on Dispute Resolution for the Chief Justice for
Administration and Management of the Trial Court Report to the Legislature on the Impact of
Alternative Dispute Resolution on the Massachusetts Trial Court
- Starovoitova, Galina Sovereignty After Empire:
Self-Determination Movements in the Former Soviet Union (Peaceworks
- State Court Administrative
Office Michigan Supreme Court Dispute Resolution Task Force, Report
to the Michigan Supreme Court
- Stern, James L. and Najita,
Joyce M. eds. Labor
Arbitration Under Fire
- Stiebel, David When Talking
Makes Things Worse : Resolving Problems When Communication Fails
- Stein, Mark with Ernst, Dennis J. Resolving
Conflict Once and For All: A Practical How-To Guide to Mediating
- Stephenson, Douglas A. Arbitration Practice in
Construction Contracts (4th ed.)
- Stern, Fred Hassle
Free Zone: "Teaching Students Peer Mediation"
- Susskind, Lawrence, Moomaw, William, and Hill, Teresa Global
Environment: Negotiating Its Future
- Susskind, Lawrence, Moomaw, William, and Hill, Teresa Innovations in International Environmental Negotiation
- Thompson, Leigh The Mind and Heart of the Negotiator
- Thurston, Anne F. Muddling toward Democracy: Political Change in Grassroots China
- Trakman, Leon E. Dispute
Settlement Under the NAFTA: Manual and Source Book
- United States Institute for Peace United States Institute for Peace, Guide to Specialists
- UVic Institute for Dispute Resolution Proceedings: Making Peace and Sharing Power - A National Gathering on Aboriginal Peoples & Dispute Resolution
- Várady, Tibor, Barceló, John J., and von Meheren, Arthur T. International Commercial Arbitration: A Transnational Perspective
- van Es, Robert Negotiating Ethics: On Ethics in
Negotiation and Negotiating in Ethics
- Van den Berg, Albert ICCA Yearbook Commercial Arbitration
- Volz, Marlin M. and Goggin,
Edward P Elkouri
& Elkouri: How Arbitration Works, 5th ed.
- Stitt, Allan ADR Systems Design for Organizations
- Weiner, Eugene, ed. The Handbook of Interethnic
- Weintraub,
Russell J. International
Litigation and Arbitration: Practice and Planning (2d
- Weiss, David S. Beyond the
Walls of Conflict: Mutual Gains Negotiating for Unions and
- Weissman, Stephen R. Preventing Genocide in Burundi: Lessons
from International Diplomacy
- Wichert, Susanne Keeping the Peace: Practicing
Cooperation and Conflict Resolution with Preschoolers
- Widenor, Marcus ed. Workplace Dispute
Resolution: Leading Issues in the Public Sector
- Wiggins, Charles B. and Lowry, L.
Randolph Negotiation
and Settlement Advocacy: A Book of Readings
- Wisconsin Association of
Mediators Wisconsin Association of Mediators,
Self-Assessment Tool for Mediators
- Wolfe, Alvin W. and Yang, Honggang, eds. Anthropological Contributions to Conflict Resolution
- Woods, Robert E.,
Devney, John L. and Popovich, Peter S. A Guide to
Dispute Resolution for Business
- Wyvern Business Library Negotiating
- Ziegler, J.W. Jr. The Mediation Kit : Tools to
Solve Disputes
1988 to 1995 |
Jul 1997 | Nov 1997 |
Mar 1998 | Jul 1998 | Nov 1998 |
Mar 1999
Professor James B. Boskey was well known throughout North America for his work in the field of alternative dispute resolution (ADR). He created The Alternative Newsletter, a resource guide that was invaluable to the field of ADR throughout the 1990s. He supported the work of many people, including moral support for the first edition of the online bibiography by Catherine Morris, which is now hosted by Peacemakers Trust. The Alternative Newsletter was read by hundreds of people around the world. It went online in 1997. After Prof. Boskey died in 1999, the online newsletter was hosted by www.mediate.com until 2003. Prof. Boskey was a prolific writer of book reviews, and his entire body of work remains a valuable resource to the field of conflict resolution. Therefore, in 2004, Peacemakers Trust installed the book reviews on its website. Peacemakers Trust is grateful to Adele L. Boskey, President of the James B. Boskey Memorial Foundation for kind permission to host Prof. Boskey's book reviews.
The Alternative Newsletter,
Copyright © James B. Boskey, 1988-1999. All rights reserved. Placed at www.peacemakers.ca by permission.
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