Talking in Public
about humanitarian action

Displaced Persons in Iraq in 2008


Daunia Pavone

Monday, April 28, 2008, 12:30 to 1:30 pm.

University of Victoria, Victoria, Canada
Fraser Building, room 142

(click and scroll down for map)

Everyone is welcome.

PavoneDaunia Pavone worked as Programme Manager for the Italian Consortium of Solidarity during the Faluja crisis of 2004. She has worked as Iraq Liaison Officer on Internally Displaced Persons with the UN High Commissioner for Refugees for the past two and a half years.She has a background in History and Development Studies and worked in the Occupied Palestinian Territories with a local conflict transformation NGO. She is currently based in Amman, Jordan. See Ms. Pavone's handout (.doc)

Additional panel discussants: Greg Hansen and Anwer Al-Ehari.

Go to How Iraqis Perceive Humanitarian Action, October 10, 2007Go to Responding in Iraq: Mobilizing Our Community for Humanitarian Action: An Information Workshop, April 16, 2003

Iraq Desert Sun

Talking in Public
Education and Research on Public Dialogue©

Displaced Persons in Iraq 2008

with the

University of Victoria

Institute for Dispute Resolution

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