▪ About our copyright, trademarks and intellectual property
▪ Reasons for our policy against permitting loading of Peacemakers Trust page on other sites
▪ About our copyright, trademarks and intellectual property
▪ Donor Benefits
Donor Benefits. Donors to Peacemakers Trust, which is a registered charitable organization in Canada, may have their website linked on our partnerships page.
Linking to Peacemakers Trust: Websites around the world are creating links to Peacemakers Trust webpages. Everyone is welcome to do so. If you let us know about your link we can contact you about relevant website problems or changes.
About "reciprocal links": Peacmakers Trust often receives requests for "reciprocal links". Organizations are always welcome to write to suggest that Peacemakers Trust create a link to their site. Such requests are always evaluated and selected based only on our editor's recommendations concerning the research or educational value of contents of the site. We do not link to commercial websites unless they contain very significant resources of interest to researchers or educators.
About Mirror Pages: Links to Peacemakers Trust are always welcome. Sometimes we receive requests from organizations wishing to download Peacemakers Trust pages and create "mirror pages" on their own websites. We do not accept these invitations, nor do we permit mirror pages, because Peacemakers Trust webpages are updated often, and we have no way of updating mirror webpages. If you notice a mirror page on a site other than www.peacemakers.ca, it is not authorized by Peacemakers Trust. We ask users of our site to please respect the intellectual property of Peacemakers Trust and the authors or editors whose work we host. We are pleased to consult or collaborate with other organizations or individuals in areas of mutual interest.
Peacemakers Trust Logo: If you wish to use the Peacemakers Trust logo on your links page, feel free use the images and instructions below. To prevent distortion, we request that you not alter or change the size of the images. If you need a different size, feel free to contact us. Please download the following image:
<a href="https://www.peacemakers.ca/" target="_top"><img
src="peacemakers_trust_labyrinthlogo.gif" width="186" height="51" alt="Peacemakers Trust Labyrinth Logo" style="border:0;"></a>
If you would like to use the Peacemakers Trust Labyrinth alone, please download this image.
Here is the HTML coding to insert on your web page:
<a href="https://www.peacemakers.ca/" target="_top"><img
src="peacemakers_trust_logo.gif" width="50" height="49" alt="Peacemakers Trust Labyrinth" style="border:0;"></a>
If you would like to use the Peacemakers Trust text image alone, please download this image.
Here is the HTML coding to insert on your web page:
<a href="https://www.peacemakers.ca/" target="_top"><img
src="peacemakers_trust.gif" width="125" height="22" alt="Peacemakers Trust" style="border:0;"></a>