Bill C-51: Anti-terrorism Act, 2015
An Act to enact the Security of Canada Information Sharing Act and the Secure Air Travel Act, to amend the Criminal Code, the Canadian Security Intelligence
Service Act and the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and to make related
and consequential amendments to other Acts, available at https://www.parl.ca/DocumentViewer/en/41-2/bill/C-51/first-reading
The Bill's progress through Parliament:
- House of Commons: Open Parliament: https://openparliament.ca/bills/41-2/C-51/
- House of Commons Committee: Forcese, Craig, and Kent Roach, eds. Bill C-51: Collation of Evidence on C-51 before Commons Committee, available at https://cdnantiterrorismlawaudit.wordpress.com/2015/03/29/bill-c-51-collation-of-evidence-on-c-51-before-commons-committee/
- Senate of Canada, Testimony to the Senate on National Security and Defence, April 2015
Amnesty International. "Insecurity and Human Rights: Concerns and Recommendations with Respect to Bill C-51, The Anti-Terrorism Act, 2015." Submitted to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security, 9 March 2015, available at https://www.amnesty.ca/news/news-releases/insecurity-and-human-rights-canada%E2%80%99s-proposed-national-security-laws-fall-short. Direct link (pdf) to full briefing at https://www.amnesty.ca/sites/default/files/amnesty_international_brief_regarding_bill_c-51.pdf
Bellegarde, Perry, National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations. "Statement to the Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security," 12 March 2015, AFN, https://www.afn.ca/uploads/files/parliamentary/15-03-12_nc_sn_standing_committee_on_bill_c-51pubic_safety_and_security.pdf
Bernans, David, "Bill C-51: Is Questioning Militarism 'Terrorist Propaganda'?" Coop média de Montréal, 1 February 2015, available at https://montreal.mediacoop.ca/fr/blog/bernans/33030
BC Civil Liberties Association. "Submission to the Standing Committee On Public Safety And National Security, Bill C-51, Anti-Terrorism Act, 2015." Speaking Notes, 12 March 2015, Carmen Cheung, Senior Counsel, BC Civil Liberties Association, available https://bccivillibertiesassociation.createsend1.com/t/j-l-diuudjd-l-s/.
BC Freedom of Information and Privacy Association (FIPA), "Submission on Bill C-51: Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security," 23 March 2015, available at https://fipa.bc.ca/fipas-submission-on-bill-c-51/.
60 Canadian Business Leaders, "Business Letter on C-51," available at https://nationalpost.com/opinion/how-c-51-will-undermine-canadas-business-climate-an-open-letter-from-60-canadian-business-leaders
Canadian Bar Association, "Bill C-51 - Anti-terrorism Act 2015: Submission to House of Commons Committee on Public Safety and National Security," (pdf) at http://iclmg.ca/wp-content/uploads/sites/37/2015/03/15-15-eng.pdf
Canadian Civil Liberties Association, "CCLA Responds to New Anti-Terror Legislation 2015," 1 February 2015, available at https://ccla.org/ccla-responds-to-new-anti-terror-legislation-2015/.
Canadian Civil Liberties Association, "Submission to the Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security regarding Bill C-51, An Act to enact the Security of Canada Information Sharing Act and the Secure Air Travel Act, to amend the Criminal Code, the Canadian Security Intelligence Service Act and the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and to make related and consequential amendments to other Acts (Anti-Terror Act, 2015)," March 2015, available (pdf) at https://ccla.org/cclanewsite/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/CCLA-Submissions-to-SECU-Committee-on-Bill-C51-AntiTerrorAct2015.pdf.
Canadian Council for Refugees, "Comments on Bill C-51 (Anti-Terrorism Act)," available (pdf) at https://ccrweb.ca/sites/ccrweb.ca/files/c-51-comments-2015.pdf.
Canadian Muslim Lawyers Association, "Briefing note re: Bill C-51: An Anti-Terrorism Act, 2015," available at https://www.scribd.com/doc/256599936/CMLA-Briefing-Note-on-Bill-C-51
Canadian Muslim Lawyers Association, "CMLA Bill C-51 Submission Before HOC Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security," https://www.scribd.com/doc/259734209/CMLA-Bill-C-51-Submission-Before-HOC-Standing-Committee-on-Public-Safety-and-National-Security
Canadian professors of law and related disciplines, "Open Letter to Parliament: Amend C-51 or Kill It," Walrus, 27 February 2015, available at https://thewalrus.ca/open-letter-to-parliament-amend-c-51-or-kill-it/.
Carter, Terrance S. Nancy E. Claridge, and Sean S. Carter, "The Impact of Bill C-51 on Charities and Not for Profits," Anti-Terrorism and Charity Law Bulletin No. 39, February 18, 2015, available (pdf) at https://www.carters.ca/pub/bulletin/charity/2015/atchylb39.pdf
Cheung, Carmen, "Bill C-51 submissions, redux," BC Civil Liberties Association, 22 April 2015, available at https://bccla.org/2015/04/bill-c-51-submissions-redux/
Cheung, Carmen K.M., "Submission to the Standing Committee on National Security and Defence," BC Civil Liberties Association, April 2015, available at https://bccla.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/BC-Civil-Liberties-Association-Submissions-on-Bill-C-51-Antiterrorism-Act-2015-Senate.pdf
Chrétien, Jean, Joe Clark, Paul Martin and John Turner. "A close eye on security makes Canadians safer," Globe and Mail, 19 February 2015, available at https://www.theglobeandmail.com/globe-debate/a-close-eye-on-security-makes-canadians-safer/article23069152/.
Copeland, Paul, "Mr & Mrs Nice Get a Police State," Journal of Wild Culture, 16 March 2015, available at https://www.wildculture.com/article/mr-mrs-nice-get-police-state/1491
Fogarty, Joe, "Bill C-51 Anti-terrorism Act 2015," testimony before the Senate Committee on National Security and Defence, 2 April 2015, available at https://sencanada.ca/en/Content/Sen/committee/412/secd/52037-e (scroll down)
Forcese, Craig, "Bill C-51: What Did We Learn About the Government's Intentions from the Clause-by-Clause" Available at http://craigforcese.squarespace.com/national-security-law-blog/2015/4/1/bill-c-51-what-did-we-learn-about-the-governments-intentions.html
Forcese, Craig, and Kent Roach, "Bill C-51 Backgrounder #2: The Canadian Security Intelligence Service's Proposed Power to 'Reduce' Security Threats Through Conduct that May Violate the Law and Charter," 12 February 2015, available at https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2564272 or https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2564272
Forcese, Craig, and Kent Roach, "Bill C-51: the Good, the Bad . . . and the Truly Ugly," The Walrus, 13 February 2015, available at https://thewalrus.ca/bill-c-51-the-good-the-bad-and-the-truly-ugly/.
Forcese, Craig, and Kent Roach, "Bill C-51 moves us one step closer to the end of privacy," Toronto Star, 26 March 2015, https://www.thestar.com/opinion/commentary/2015/02/17/bill-c-51-moves-us-one-step-closer-to-the-end-of-privacy.html
Forcese, Craig, and Kent Roach, eds. Bill C-51: Collation of Evidence on C-51 before Commons Committee, available at https://cdnantiterrorismlawaudit.wordpress.com/2015/03/29/bill-c-51-collation-of-evidence-on-c-51-before-commons-committee/
Forcese, Craig, and Kent Roach, "Forcese & Roach on Bill C-51: Judicial warrants are designed to prevent - not authorize - Charter violations," National Post, 17 February 2015, available https://nationalpost.com/opinion/forcese-roach-on-bill-c-51-judicial-warrants-are-designed-to-prevent-not-authorize-charter-violations.
Forcese, Craig and Kent Roach, "Proposed Amendments to Bill C-51, Antiterrorism Act 2015," March 10, 2015, available at https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2576202.
Forcese, Craig, "The Ugly Canadian? International Law and Canada's New Covert National Security Vision," Speaking Notes, CBA National Section on International Law Notes, May 28, 2015, Available at http://craigforcese.squarespace.com/national-security-law-blog/2015/5/28/the-ugly-canadian-international-law-and-canadas-new-covert-n.html/
Forcese, Craig and Kent Roach, "Why Can't Canada Get National-Security Law Right?" The Walrus, 9 June 2015, available at https://thewalrus.ca/why-cant-canada-get-national-security-law-right/.
Geist, Michael, "Anti-Terror Bill Review a Bad Show of Legislative Theatre," The Tyee, 7 April 2015, available at https://thetyee.ca/Opinion/2015/04/07/Bill-C-51-Review/
Geist, Michael, "Conservative MP Ablonzcy on Bill C-51: Who Needs the Rule of Law?" April 2, 2015, available at https://www.michaelgeist.ca/2015/04/conservative-mp-ablonzcy-on-bill-c-51-who-needs-the-rule-of-law/
Geist, Michael, "Three Disastrous Consequences for Privacy," Rabble, 20 February 2015, available at https://rabble.ca/news/2015/02/three-disastrous-privacy-consequences-bill-c-51.
Geist, Michael, "Total Information Awareness": The Disastrous Privacy Consequences of Bill C-51," available at https://www.michaelgeist.ca/2015/02/total-information-awareness-disastrous-privacy-consequences-bill-c-51/.
Geist, Michael, "Why The Anti-Terrorism Bill is Really an Anti-Privacy Bill: Bill C-51's Evisceration of Privacy Protection," available at https://www.michaelgeist.ca/2015/03/why-the-anti-terrorism-bill-is-really-an-anti-privacy-bill-bill-c-51s-evisceration-of-government-privacy/
Greenpeace Canada, "Presentation to the Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security on Bill C-51," March 12, 2015.
Human Rights Watch, Letter to the Senate of Canada Re: Bill C-51, the Anti-Terrorism Act, 2015, 2 June 2015, available at https://www.hrw.org/news/2015/06/02/letter-senate-canada-re-bill-c-51-anti-terrorism-act-2015.
International Civil Liberties Monitoring Group (ICLMG), "Submission to the Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security on Bill C-51: Speaking Notes by lawyer Paul Champ," (pdf) at http://iclmg.ca/wp-content/uploads/sites/37/2015/03/Bill-C51-ICLMG-Paul-Champ.pdf
La Ligue des droits et libertés et al, "Déclaration commune contre le projet de loi antiterroriste C-51," available at https://liguedesdroits.ca/declaration-commune-contre-c-51/.
Law Society of British Columbia, "Bill C-51, Anti-Terrorism Act, 2015: Submissions to Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security, March 2015, (pdf) at https://www.lawsociety.bc.ca/docs/newsroom/highlights/Submission-BillC-51.pdf
Law Union of Ontario, "Brief to the Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security on Bill C-51," (pdf) at http://iclmg.ca/wp-content/uploads/sites/37/2015/03/Law-Union-of-Ontario-Brief.pdf
Ling Justin, "New powers to combat terrorism," National, Canadian Bar Association, January 2015, https://nationalmagazine.ca/en-ca/articles/law/rule-of-law/2014/new-powers-to-combat-terrorism.
Mendes, Errol, "Bill C-51 threatens to sacrifice liberty for security," Toronto Star, 24 February 2015, available at https://www.thestar.com/opinion/commentary/2015/02/24/bill-c-51-threatens-to-sacrifice-liberty-for-security.html.
McClurg, Michael, "C-51 could be a 'blank cheque' to stifle indigenous dissent," Law Blog Olthius Kleer Townshend LLP.
Mohawk Council of Kahnawà:ke, "Open letter to the Honourable Stephen Harper," 6 March 2015, available (pdf) at http://www.kahnawake.com/org/docs/StephenharperBill_C-51.pdf.
Morris, Catherine. "Why Bill C-51 threatens the rule of law," Law Times, 27 April 2015 (print edition) Available online. Republished as "Bill C-51 Perverts the Rule of Law by The Georgia Straight online.
Palmater, Pamela, "Does C-51 make Indigenous Activists Terrorists?" Rabble, 12 February 2015, available at https://rabble.ca/blogs/bloggers/pamela-palmater/2015/02/harper-may-have-just-turned-indigenous-activists-terrorists.
Roach, Kent, and Craig Forcese, "Bill C-51 Backgrounder #1: The New Advocating or Promoting Terrorism Offence," February 3, 2015, available at https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2560006 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.2560006.
Roach, Kent, and Craig Forcese, "Bill C-51 Backgrounder # 3: Sharing Information and Lost Lessons from the Maher Arar Experience, " February 16, 2015, available at https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2565886 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.2565886.
Roach, Kent, and Craig Forcese, "Bill C-51: Roach and Forcese Submissions to the Senate Standing Committee," Senate Standing Committee on National Security and Defence, 2 April 2015, available at https://cdnantiterrorismlawaudit.wordpress.com/2015/04/02/bill-c-51-roach-and-forcese-submissions-to-the-senate-standing-committee/.
Roach, Kent, and Craig Forcese, "The government has not made its case for C-51," Globe and Mail, 29 March 2015, available at https://www.theglobeandmail.com/opinion/the-government-has-not-made-its-case-for-c-51/article23678195/.
Roach, Kent, and Craig Forcese. "Legislating in Fearful and Politicized times: The Limits of Bill C-51's Disruption Powers in Making Us Safer." Chapter 15 in After the Paris Attacks: Responses in Canada, Europe, and Around the Globe, edited by Edward M. Iacobucci, and Stephen J. Toope. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, April 2015. Available at Google Books
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Ruby, Clayton, and Nader Hasan. "Canada: Bill C-51 - A Legal Primer," Lawyers' Rights Watch Canada, 18 February 2015, available at https://www.lrwc.org/canada-bill-c-51-a-legal-primer/.
Stryker, Alyssa, and Carmen Cheung, "8 things you need to know about Bill C-51," BC Civil Liberties Association, 11 March 2015, https://bccla.org/2015/03/8-things-you-need-to-know-about-bill-c-51/.
Therrien, Daniel, "Bill, C-51, the Anti-Terrorism Act, 2015: Submission to the Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security of the House of Commons, Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada," 5 March 2015, available https://www.priv.gc.ca/en/opc-actions-and-decisions/advice-to-parliament/2015/parl_sub_150305/.
Therrien, Daniel, "Bill C-51, the Anti-Terrorism Act, 2015: Submission to the Standing Senate Committee on National Security and Defence," 16 April 2015, available at https://www.priv.gc.ca/en/opc-actions-and-decisions/advice-to-parliament/2015/parl_sub_150416/.
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* Catherine Morris, BA, JD, LLM is an Adjunct Professor in the Faculty of Law at the University of Victoria where she has taught international human rights annually since 2004. She monitors human rights in Southeast Asia. She is the managing director of Peacemakers Trust.