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Conflict Resolution, Peacemaking, and Non-Violence
Human Rights
Laws including International Treaties
Canadian government contacts
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In keeping with a broad definition of "peacebuilding," these links include work of those in civil society and government on conflict resolution, violence reduction, human rights, legal development and good governance. Peacemakers Trust has compiled these links for research purposes, and cannot take responsibility for contents of third party web sites. Inclusion of a link to a site does not imply endorsement by or association with Peacemakers Trust. Please contribute suggestions.
InterChange, Toronto, Ontario.
International Center for Transitional Justice, New York. See ICTJ's activity concerning Canada's indigenous peoples.
Mennonite Central Committee, works on peace, advocacy and restorative justice in Canada.
National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation. The NCTR has links to the archives of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada.
Peacemakers Trust. Education, research and consultation on conflict transformation, reconciliation and peacebuilding.
Canadian Friends Service Committee. CFSC works on peace, human rights, corporate responsibility, militarism and war, Aboriginal land and treaty rights, environmental issues, restorative justice, and international development projects.
Christian Peacemaker Teams. CPT works on violence reduction in several Canadian communities.
Coalition to Oppose the Arms Trade (COAT), Canada
Mines Action Canada. Canada's campaign against landmines and cluster bombs.
Peace Women: Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, pages of NGO contacts in Canada and the United States. Note that Canadian organizations are not separately listed. The PeaceWomen Project monitors and works toward rapid and full implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on women, peace and security.
Project Ploughshares provides expertise and analyis on peace and security issues to members of the Canadian Council of Churches and assists with ecumenical response.
Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs, Pugwash, Nova Scotia, Canada
See our page of Canadian government contacts.
Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law (IHL)
Amnesty International. This page contains Amnesty International's reports about human rights concerns in Canada. See AI's page on indigenous peoples.
Canadian Human Rights Commission. Canada's national human rights institution. Note that Canada's provinces have their own provincial human rights institutions.
Equitas International Centre for Human Rights Education, Montreal, Canada (formerly "Canadian Human Rights Foundation")
Government of Canada, Human Rights Program. See Canada's portal page to reports of its international human rights performance in the UN human rights system. See Canada's summary of its international human rights treaty obligations in the UN system as well as the Organization of American States (OAS) and the International Labour Organization (ILO).
Human Rights Research and Education Centre, University of Ottawa.
Human Rights Watch (HRW). This page hosted by Human Rights Watch contains HRW reports about human rights concerns in Canada.
International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). Canada is covered by the ICRC regional delegation in United States. See the International Committee of the Red Cross page on International humanitarian law and terrorism: questions and answers Geneva: ICRC, 2001, which can be downloaded for distribution. See also the website of Canadian Red Cross What is International Humanitarian Law?.
Lawyers' Rights Watch Canada. This Canadian organization works on protection of human rights defenders.
United States Department of State Human Rights Reports
Laws and Policies including International Human Rights Treaties (English) valuable pages on Canada's treaty signatures, ratifications, reservations, reports of UN Committees and other documents.
Canadian Bar Association, National office in Ottawa, Canada. See also the various affiliated provincial organizations.
International Constitutional Law Project: Canada index, by Axel Tschentscher, Institut f?r ?ffentliches Recht-Aktuell, Bern.
International Labour Organization (ILO). This page provides information on Canada's ratifications of ILO Conventions with links through to the text of the relevant conventions.
Law Library of Congress: Canada.
Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. Documentation, ratification status and links to related sites.
UN Human Rights Conventions ratified by Canada on the site of the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (UNHCHR). Scroll down on left side of linked page for Canada.
UN Human Rights Conventions ratified by Canada on the site of
Humanitarian Action and Development
Canadian Council for International Cooperation, Ottawa, Canada. Research and Policy Analysis.
Global Affairs Canada: Canada's priorities in international assistance
World Vision Canada, Advocacy.
News and Information Sources
TrustNet Information on Canada
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Victoria, B.C., Canada