Papers and Opinions

The Disappeared: Indigenous Peoples and the International Crime of Enforced Disappearance

Enforced Disappearances in Canada

Submission to Canada's 4th Universal Periodic Review by the UN Human Rights Council, 2023

Full submission (pdf).


On 4 April 2023, Peacemakers Trust made a submission to the UN Human Rights Council for Canada's fourth Universal Periodic Review scheduled for November 2023. The Submission follows up recommendations noted by Canada at its third Universal Periodic Review (UPR) in 2018. At that time, Uruguay, France, Belgium, Japan, Portugal, and Costa Rica recommended that Canada become a State Party to the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance (Convention on Enforced Disappearance). In noting this recommendation, Canada explained that federal, provincial, and territorial governments were "in the process of analysing the Convention on Enforced Disappearance and potential domestic considerations." However, to date, there is no reported timeline for these consultations.

Peacemakers Trust's submission highlights concerns and makes recommendations regarding Canada's pattern of failure to ensure effective and timely remedies for enforced or involuntary disappearances of Indigenous persons. The submission discusses three case types of suspected enforced disappearances in Canada:


Peacemakers Trust recommended that Canada:

See the full submission (pdf).

photo © Lois Pegg
photo © Lois Pegg
e-mail Peacemakers Trust (gif©ejm)
Peacemakers Trust

Victoria, BC, Canada

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