Religion and Peacebuilding
Peacemakers Trust directors and associates working on religion and peacebuilding:
Catherine Morris | Ernie Fraser | Rebekah Smith
Peacemakers Trust activities have focused on development of:
bibliographies and links to resources | educational workshops | papers | collaborative initiatives
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Research on the internationally protected freedom of religion or belief
- Research on the role of truth-telling in reconciliation
- Bibliography and Resources on religion, conflict resolution and peacebuilding:
- Collaborative initiatives:
- Educational workshops for faith-based organizations and churches:
- Workshops on conflict resolution and reconciliation by arrangement
- Peace Potentials in the World Religions, European Peace University, 2011-2013. Conducted by Peacemakers Trust Director Catherine Morris
- The Challenges of Reconciliation: Basic Concepts, Christian Community College, Victoria, Canada, Fall, 2005, conducted by Peacemakers Trust Director Catherine Morris
- The Challenges of Reconciliation: Basic Concepts, Victoria, Fall, 2003
- Publications, papers and presentations
- Morris, Catherine. "International Human Rights: Right to freedom of religion or belief": Powerpoint presentation on basic internatonal human rights instruments, December 2017.
- Morris, Catherine. "Media's Mediation and Other Matters: Faith-Based Dispute Resolution in Canada." Presentation to a meeting of the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Subsection, BC Branch, Canadian Bar Association, Vancouver, BC, Canada, January 25, 2006.
- Morris, Catherine. "Case Studies in Religion and Peacebuilding: Cambodia." In Religion and Peacebuilding, edited by Harold Coward and Gordon Smith. Albany, New York: SUNY Press, 2004. details.
- Morris, Catherine. "Threads of Religion in the Weft and Warp of Conflict Resolution." Paper presented at Come Back to the Core, National Conference of the Conflict Resolution Network Canada, Waterloo, Canada, June 2, 2004.
- Morris, Catherine. "Religion and Peacebuilding in Cambodia." Presentation at the Alliance for Conflict Transformation, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, March 16, 2004.
- Morris, Catherine. "The Power of Dialogue in the 'Ministry of Reconciliation'." Presentation by Catherine Morris for World Vision Cambodia, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, March 15, 2004.
- Morris, Catherine. "Dynamics of Religion in Conflict Resolution: The Helpful, The Harmful, and the Hopeful." 2004 Distinguished Speakers Lecture Series on Religion and Conflict." Centre for Studies in Religion and Society, University of Victoria, February 1, 2004.
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