Project & Funding Partners | Major Supporters | Sponsors | Other Donors
Peacemakers Trust has been designated as a Charitable Organization in Canada, number 87205 7823 RR0001. See information about how Peacemakers Trust is supported.
Thanks to all our Partners and Donors
Peacemakers Trust has worked in partnership with a number of institutions and organizations as "project & funding partners" of $2.000.00 or more. "Major Supporters" gave $1,000 or more, or provided significant in kind contributions toward the work of Peacemakers. "Sponsors" gave $500.00 or more.
Project & Funding Partners
Peacemakers Trust has worked in partnership with a number of institutions and organizations as project partners or project funders of $1000.00 of more.
University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, Canada

- University of Victoria: Religion and Peacebuilding in Cambodia (2000-2004) and Religion, rights and conflict in Canada: The internationally protected freedom of religion or belief
- The Pastor and the Imam: Two former enemies tell their story of grassroots peacebuilding in northern Nigeria, January 31, 2008, co-sponsored with Initiatives of Change Canada and the University of Victoria Institute for Dispute Resolution.
- Iraq 2007: Humanitarian Action in Stark Relief, October 10, 2007, co-sponsored by University of Victoria Institute for Dispute Resolution.
- The Imam and the Pastor: A 40-Minute Film and a Conversation About the Possibility of Dialogue and Reconciliation, March 23, 2007, co-sponsored with Initiatives of Change Canada and the Institute for Dispute Resolution.
- New Directions in the Field of Conflict Resolution: Workshop Series, events co-sponsored by Institute for Dispute Resolution and Division of Continuing Studies.
- Responding in Iraq: Mobilizing Our Community for Humanitarian Action, April 16, 2003, co-sponsored with the Faculty of Law, Centre for Global Studies, Institute for Dispute Resolution, Centre for Studies in Religion & Society, Faculty of Education & Faculty of Humanities.
- A Force More Powerful: Film & Discussion Series, February 11 - March 18, 2003, co-sponsored with the Institute for Dispute Resolution and Centre for Global Studies.

- Clay and Company, Barristers and Solicitors, Victoria, BC: Religion and Peacebuilding in Cambodia

- Emmanuel Baptist Church, Victoria, BC: Religion and Peacebuilding in Cambodia
King Prajadhipok's Institute, Bangkok, Thailand
- Cheating their Way to the Top: Moving Toward Cultures of Academic Integrity, Bangkok, March 2006.
- The Challenges of Reconciliation: Basic Concepts, Bangkok, March 2005.
Alliance for Conflict Transformation, Phnom Penh, Cambodia

- Conflict Transformation within Organizations: Theory, Processes, and Skills for Assessment and Intervention, Phnom Penh, December 2004 and March 2005.
Major Supporters
Thanks to the following major supporters who donated $500.00 or more or who have provide other significant contributions or assistance. Please also thank our other donors.

- IN MEMORIAM: Margaret and Ralph Morris, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
We thankfully remember Ralph and Margaret Morris who made many contributions and provided constant encouragement. Ralph died in April 2011, and Margaret died in March, 2017.

- An anonymous donor, Canada,
has made generous donations to Peacemakers Trust over several years. Thank you!
- Elizabeth Morris (EJM), etherwork.net, Toronto, Canada
Elizabeth Morris is is the principal of etherwork.net, a major contributor of in-kind website design, maintenance services and assistance for Peacemakers Trust. Elizabeth Morris is a freelance orchestral and chamber musician (viola) in the Toronto area. She dabbles in the visual arts as well, creating miniatures (watercolour, pencil crayon) and numerous original gif animations. In her spare time she bakes bread, writing about her kitchen experiments as well as humanitarian and environmental concerns in her popular blog from OUR kitchen.

- CINERGY™ Coaching, a division of Noble Solutions Inc. and Cinnie Noble, Toronto, Canada
Cinnie Noble is the founder of CINERGY™ Coaching, a division of Noble Solutions Inc. She is a lawyer-mediator, a certified coach and a former social worker, who has studied and practiced a range of conflict management services, for over 20 years. Cinnie is a much sought-after speaker and regularly presents nationally and internationally, on conflict management coaching. She has taught at the University of Toronto, Atkinson College, York University, University of Windsor Law School. She guest lectures at Osgoode Hall Law School in its Masters of Law (Alternative Dispute Resolution) program. Cinnie is the author of Conflict Management Coaching: The CINERGY™ Model, available through Amazon as of October, 2011. CINERGY™ Coaching donated $1.00 per book sold through Amazon to two not-for-profit organizations who work towards building peace around the world. These organizations are Mediators Beyond Borders and Peacemakers Trust.
- Ernie Fraser and Associates, Ltd., Victoria, B.C. Canada
Over his career, Ernie Fraser has worked in communications, social research and human resources as a public servant and consultant. In 1999, he established a consultancy specializing in strategic communications, organizational change, crisis communications, issue management and facilitation. Ernie has advised senior management of many organizations. His consulting firm, Ernie Fraser & Associates Ltd., specializes in strategic communications and management, organizational/corporate change communications, facilitation services, emergency communications, issue management and media relations. Ernie is a director of Peacemakers Trust.

- Mats Flemstrom, Toronto, Canada, has kindly donated the use of photos.
- Brishkai Waziri Lund, Victoria, BC, Canada.
Brishkai Waziri Lund, BA, MA, ABD (Washington) is an educator, researcher, writer and administrator with extensive experience designing, implementing, administering and evaluating community development, continuing education and training programs in multicultural settings. She has received numerous awards for innovative programming. She is the former Director of Arts and Science, Women's and Seniors' Programs in the Division of Continuing Studies at the University of Victoria (1982-2003). She is an Adjunct Professor in UVic's Department of Women's Studies. She is a Consulting Director for Peacemakers Trust.
- Lampion Pacific Consulting Inc. Victoria, B.C. Canada
Lampion Pacific Consulting Inc. conducts research, education and consultation on conflict resolution and reconciliation processes.

- Barbara Morris, Toronto, Canada.
- Catherine Morris, Victoria, B.C. Canada
Catherine Morris, BA, JD, LLM, is a lawyer with leadership experience in the field of conflict resolution since 1983 including program development, policy development, research, and education in non-governmental organizations, professional organizations, academic settings, and court-related programs in Canada, the United States, Thailand, Cambodia, Burma (Myanmar) and Bangladesh. She is an Adjunct Professor at the University of Victoria. She has extensive experience with voluntary organizations, and volunteers as the managing director of Peacemakers Trust.

- Patricia Morris, Coquitlam, Canada
Patricia Morris, a twenty-five year teaching veteran, offers workshops to teacher groups on literacy, arts and education, class management, social emotional learning, and other topics. She co-edits and annotates Peacemakers Trust's bibliography on Peace and Justice: Books for children and youth.

- Richard Motchman, Victoria, BC, Canada.

- Lois Pegg, Victoria, B.C. Canada
Lois Pegg was involved for a number of years in administration of the Master of Arts in Dispute Resolution at the University of Victoria. With a background in nursing, she also has extensive international experience, focused primarily on Church-based community development in the Philippines. Many of Lois Pegg's photographs are featured on art cards and on several websites. She has contributed the use of a number of her photographs and other in-kind and monetary support to Peacemakers Trust.
- Carole and Del Phillips, Victoria, B.C. Canada
Carol and Del Phillips, Victoria, BC

- Andrew Scambler, Victoria, BC, Canada,
contributed photographs and substantial assistance on Peacemakers Trust projects in Cambodia and Rwanda.
- Paul Scambler Victoria, B.C. Canada
Paul G. Scambler, KC, practised law with the firm of Clay and Company in Victoria, Canada, from 1978 to 2021. His work included extensive expreicned advising businesses and non-profit civil society organizations in Canada. He continues to be a consulting director of Peacemakers Trust.
- Sustainability Solutions Group Workers Cooperative, Canada
SSG is a consulting cooperative the works with clients to develop unique, creative strategies for ecologically, economically and socially responsible decision-making and action. SSG brings a broad and inclusive set of disciplines and expertise together in their projects. SSG members have practices in green and sustainable buildings, organizational sustainability, climate change research and mitigation, food security, and sustainable communities. SSG has provided funding earmarked for Peacemakers Trust education or research.
Sponsors ($500 or more)

- Laurie Caforio, Edmonton, Canada

- Elizabeth Scambler, Victoria, Canada

- Nancy R. Scambler, Vancouver, BC, Canada

- Sponsor (gift of $500 or more): Your name and image here?
© Peacemakers Trust, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2016